Time Will Tell

Ash Holmes | Solo Exhibition

It is with great pleasure that Studio Gallery presents the works of Ash Holmes for her Solo Exhibition 'Time Will Tell'. We invite you to join us on opening night for celebratory drinks and an intimate artist talk with the artist.

Opening Night | 6:00pm - 8:00pm, Thursday 20th April
Location | Studio Gallery, 7D Wandoo Street, Fortitude Valley
Exhibition | 20th April - 4th May
*Artist Talk will commence 7pm

Holmes' practice centers on abstract painting and is inspired by her environment on Guringai Land and her research on colour psychology.

As a fourth-generation artist, Holmes' creativity is deeply ingrained in her artistic practice. Holmes' research on colour psychology is used to create a sensory effect that connects her audience to the landscape she has created within her paintings. The exhibition 'Time Will Tell,' represents a decade-long journey since Holmes' first exhibition in 2013, a lifelong endeavour that began in her early childhood, painting in her backyard.

"This body of work is a reflection and an ode to my love for trusting in time and being open to the journey and not the destination of being an artist."

Holmes' creative process is ongoing, with her paintings taking shape in her mind and body long before and after their completion. The appreciation for the fluidity and unpredictability of her practice is a significant motivator in her work. The pieces featured in the exhibition began as a 20-meter roll of canvas in December 2022, with layers of memories and paint accumulating over time. This process adds depth and emotional complexity to the finished work.




Ash Holmes's solo exhibition, 'Time Will Tell' takes a deep dive into her artistic practice, exploring her creative process, inspirations, and various perspectives on time. This exhibition marks a decade of Ash's art in the public eye, showcasing the power of art to transcend time and space.

From the fleeting moments that make up our daily lives to the complexities of nostalgia, time exists in the intersection between reflection and trust in the future. Timelines coexist, infinitely running in and out of each other, reminding us that nothing lasts forever and the future is unpredictable.

Playing with the past and future and the correlation of existing elements, 'Time Will Tell' is a stepping stone where Ash can pause and reflect on her journey. Her new collection features nostalgic and iconic scenes from the studio and memory, bursting with soft colours and vitality, inviting viewers to immerse themselves into a realm of charm and wonder.

The exhibition presents a selection of original works created in a brand-new studio, painted on a 20-metre-long canvas. Cut into 14 pieces, each section represents a specific moment in time, with intricate details that connect to the past and delve into the imagination of life in a different era. The most emblematic piece is '1974 Leather and Chrome,' an ode to her vintage Mercedes Benz, with a fresh and modern stylistic approach.

'Stars and a clear path' represents a dream future of time everywhere, floating above a colourful, fusion world, symbolizing different life paths' unique rhythms and trajectories. Ash's practice is rooted in the curiosity of discovering and unravelling new meanings, inspired by infinite layers peeled back, and this exhibition is a testament to her contemporary vision.

Ash's works capture the beauty and coziness of home surroundings, infused with hope, reflection, and a touch of nostalgia. This exhibition showcases the power of storytelling to describe self-exploration through experiences, cit'sapturing glimpses of life and meaning.

The conceptual and aesthetic approach to time continuously evolves, incorporating past energy and embracing an unknown future. Ash's practice veers to venture through a chronological path, but on the wonder of never genuinely understanding anything, making 'Time Will Tell' a must-see exhibition. - Written by Author Amalia Mitsopoulos.

Time Passing

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Artwork available via Studio Gallery. Australian galleries across four locations in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. Australia’s largest commercially available collection of contemporary art​.​

To The Hills, and Over

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Artwork available via Studio Gallery. Australian galleries across four locations in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. Australia’s largest commercially available collection of contemporary art​.​

Stars And A Clear Path

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Artwork available via Studio Gallery. Australian galleries across four locations in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. Australia’s largest commercially available collection of contemporary art​.​

Remedy Of A Dream #1

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Artwork available via Studio Gallery. Australian galleries across four locations in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. Australia’s largest commercially available collection of contemporary art​.​

Morning light dissolving stars

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Artwork available via Studio Gallery. Australian galleries across four locations in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. Australia’s largest commercially available collection of contemporary art​.​


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Artwork available via Studio Gallery. Australian galleries across four locations in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. Australia’s largest commercially available collection of contemporary art​.​

1974 Leather and Chrome

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Artwork available via Studio Gallery. Australian galleries across four locations in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. Australia’s largest commercially available collection of contemporary art​.​
